Starting this 2023 year, Philadelphia will have a new guidelines for Airbnb and other short-term rental properties.This regulation requires a “limited lodging operator” license for short-term rental landlord who lives in the unit. The paperwork is not complicated, but everyone has to comply with all requirements, such as obtaining lead paint certifications and ensuring their properties are up to code.
You need a Zoning Permit for limited lodging to rent your home for up to 30 consecutive days to any one person or group.
You need a Zoning Permit for Visitor Accommodation:
To rent your home for stays of 30 days or fewer.
If the property is not your primary residence.
Housing requirements
Smoke alarms must be installed:
In each bedroom.
In the hallway in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms.
On each floor of the home, including basements.
Carbon monoxide alarms must be installed:
Within 15 ft. of the entrance to every bedroom or within 15 ft. of a bed in sleeping areas if there isn’t an enclosed bedroom.
Centrally on a wall or the ceiling, but not directly in front of a door to a bathroom or within 5 ft. of a cooking appliance.
Under the installation requirements for smoke alarms if they are combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
You can’t post signs for lodging on your home.
The home can’t be occupied by more than three people (including the owner and renters) who aren’t related by blood, marriage, life partnership, adoption, or foster-child status.
You cannot change your house so that it no longer resembles a private residence.
Information you must provide your renters
Renters are only allowed to have guests between the hours of 8 a.m. and midnight.
You must tell renters the trash and recycling collection days and any trash disposal rules and regulations. You must provide proper trash containers for renters.
Excessive noise is prohibited and violators are subject to fines and penalties.
The owner or their designee must provide contact information to the renters. The contact person must handle any complaints from the renters.
Residents conducting short-term rentals must keep records for at least one year that show:
That the home remained their primary residence.
The dates the home was rented.
The number of renters.
City Hotel Tax
The host or operator must pay the City of Philadelphia Hotel Tax monthly. The tax is 8.5 percent of the amount received through renting.
You can apply online through city Eclipse system.
In person
You need an appointment to visit the Permit and License Center in person.
Permit and License Center 1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd. MSB, Public Service Concourse Philadelphia, PA 19102
Office hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Offices close at noon on the last Wednesday of each month.
Information provided by City of Philadelphia